Book Reviews: Construction
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Cover Title Authors Rating Hits
cover E-business in Construction Chimay J. Anumba, Kirti Ruikar 0   3041
cover Economics for the Modern Built Environment 0   3157
cover Engineering Project Management 0   3106
cover Heathrow's Terminal 5: History in the Making Sharon Doherty 0   3770
cover Introduction to Estimating for Construction Brian Greenhalgh 0   8467
cover Joint Ventures in Construction Kiyoshi Kobayashi, Khairuddin Abdul Rashid, George Ofori, Stephen Ogunlana 0   3042
cover Labour Conditions for Construction: Decent Work, Building Cities and the Role of Local Authorities Roderick Lawrence, Edmundo Werna 0   3328
cover Landmarks in Aviation History: An Illustrated History of Aviation and an International Guide to Aviation Monuments All in One Barry Smart 0   3584
cover Management and Economics of Construction Safety in Hong Kong Sun Wah Poon, S. L. Tang, Francis K. W. Wong 0   3223
cover Managing Construction Projects Graham M. Winch 0   3257
cover Managing Performance in Construction Leonhard E. Bernold, Simaan M. AbouRizk 0   3435
cover Mediation of Construction Disputes David Richbell 0   3042
no-img_eng.gif Modern Construction Management Prof. Frank Harris, Prof. Ronald McCaffer, Andrew Baldwin, Francis Edum-Fotwe 0   3225
cover Modern Construction Management Frank Harris, Ronald McCaffer 0   10742
cover Planning for Climate Change: Strategies for Mitigation and Adaptation for Spatial Planners 0   2981